
This video is a summary of my journey as a videographer and video editor from 2015, where I have handled video production for several clients, such as Waskita Karya, Mavic (Yamaha Oil), Le Meridien Hotel (Jakarta), Bogor Hotel Institute, and many more.

Indonesia X-Treme Offroad Racing

An offroad racing team called AHSRT asked me to document and edit the video into a video documentation of an offroad racing event. The event was Indonesia X-Treme Offroad Racing sponsored by Bank BJB, Bina Benua Group, and HZL Indonesia.

The Denim Party by Le Méridien Hotel

My client this time is a hotel called Le Méridien, which since 2015 has been acquisitioned by Marriott International. Le Méridien Hotel asked me to documenting the activities of an event held at the hotel called "The Denim Party". This annual party event was created as an entertainment for the hotel's stakeholders.

#30IAMBACK by Le Méridien Hotel

Le Méridien Hotel asked me again to document their event, this time titled #30IAMBACK. The party, held in the hotel's ballroom, invited the hotel's stakeholders and became one of the annual events.

Trailer "Sirah"

Ingrid [20], a young woman still in college. Someone who is independent, has high self-respect, and is resilient (tries to be strong). She has long hair and a standard body. The story is based on an Indonesian myth about it being bad luck to comb your hair in the middle of the night. Ingrid, who had just returned home at midnight, felt tired and stressed, so she tried to refresh her body by taking a shower. Knowing it's bad to take a bath in the middle of the night, she doesn't care. After the shower the lights suddenly went out, with only candlelight illuminating her room, Ingrid combed her hair and strange things began to happen afterwards.

Trailer "Ballads of the Cliché"

Radit [12], a young boy in elementary school, works hard to fulfill his daily needs and struggles to reach his dreams, due to his family's financial inability. Hanif [25], a young director who is experiencing a deadlock of ideas to create a story that will be included in a film competition. One day, they met through an event, after they talked, Hanif immediately found an idea for his movie story.

Promotional Video for Wivape

My client here is Wivape. A vape shop in Bogor, Indonesia. Wivape asked me to make a video about the activities and ambience in the shop, by adding glowing scribble animation in the video, it certainly adds to the uniqueness of the video, so that my client is satisfied with the results.

Storyboard Writer Happy Hour

I was asked to documenting and editing the video of Ruangguru's Happy Hour Storyboard Writer event by the division leader, Hendra. The event was held at a cafe in Jakarta and invited all members of the Storyboard Writer division, as well as a farewell event for some members who would be resigning that month.

Secondhand Cars You Can't Refuse!

An old used car sales business called The Godbrother, asked me to make a video bumper for the opening of each unit that they would sell and market. They asked me to combine elements of the films Godbrother and Scarface into one, so I made a video bumper like this.

Old is Gold

The content I created using Sony DCR-HC30E and Spectra DV11 cameras for my client, An online camera store located in the Bogor area that provides a variety of vintage camera options.

Glowing Scribble Animation

A dancer who doesn't want to be named on this page, asked me to create an video with glowing scribble animation for her Instagram feed. She explained the concept of her moves and her request to use Ramengvrl's song, Gippal.